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Thank so much to member and long armer, Danielle Wilkes who gave a presentation on how to prepare your quilt to send to your long arm quilter. Read more on Danielle Wilkes on her blog, Nacho Mama Quilt.
Danielle had a hands-on demo on the stretch of warp and weft grain lines and explained the importance of measuring your quilts before stitching on any borders. Turns out, pins are your friends.
If there's a bubble or irregularity in your pieced top, Danielle covered how the quilting can really make the quilt. Not just design aesthetic-wise, but the quilting can save your piecing bacon! Choose an open loose design to quilt a project that may have irregularities. Choose a closed design, such as a circle or other closed shape for designs that were pieced with more accuracy.
Danielle also has decided she is bringing back the Quilted Vest look. As if it ever went out. =)
Thanks again for sharing your wisdom with our group.