Sunday, August 30, 2015

End of Summer Blast

Also known as the no frills retreat, 20 people participated and got some sewing done at the Main a House retreat center in Kerrville. Here's some pics of our guild members and their creations. Looks like I missed a few people. Sorry.  I left early and was usually first to bed so unfortunately this is missing a bit of eye candy. But. There's still some beauties below. 

AMH Workshop

We were lucky enough to get a workshop with Anna Maria Horner for our guild. I have to admit I learned a lot about how different I am from the other participants, but everyone was very understanding of my pattern-following ways. Different strokes for different folks. I found it amusing that AMH admitted to hating designing patterns for a specific collection and admitted she NEVER sews like that. I love patterns that showcase fabric lines and had bought her Hot House Quilt Kit. That was my project of the day but I spent most of my time cutting, and only a little time sewing. But you'll probably see the finished quilt in a future meeting post. 

Eventually Anna Maria gave up trying to interest me in changing things up (instead of following her pattern) and concentrated on the artists in our group. Some had brought their own AMH stash with them. Some added to their fabric stash from Anna's pop up shop, and some like me bought on line in advance of the workshop. One bought orphan blocks and some were creating improv blocks from scratch right there. Color was evetywhere you looked as I think you'll see in the pictures. 

Just because I'm not an artist doesn't mean I don't appreciate the beauty in others' creations. and there was a lot of that everywhere.  So I enjoyed being an artist vicariously through others and the workshop was a success for all. I spent a lot of time being nosey and watching the creativity flow throughout the room.  I enjoyed it and I'm pretty positive everyone else did. Even though I think I'll keep following patterns for a while, at least now I can look at patterns, quilts and blocks with a different perspective, thanks to Anna Maria Horner. 

Here's some pics for your own motivation and inspiration. Apologies in advance for the blurriness and bad composition.