1) You missed the election of our 2016 Board.
-- President: Rebecca Cronk
-- Vice President for Programs: Sarah Rodriguez
-- Vice President for Membership: Joanna Marsh
-- Vice President for Outreach: Jen Eskridge
-- Secretary: Jessi Lane
-- Treasurer: Kelli Saffel
They'll be installed in January. Congrats to all.
2) You missed the Christmas Party swap announcement:
Mini quilt under 24" x 24". Doesn't have to be square. No color specifications. No fabric requirements. Make something you love and others will love it too. Must be quilted and bound.
3) You missed the decision to make the 15th of every month share a deal day on the SAMQG Facebook (I'm calling it SADD). Okay, it was really called free ad day but I didn't want folks calling it a fad. Maybe someone else will come up with a catchy title. But what it means is if you have a quilt-related business you can advertise it for free on the 15th of every month. But even if you don't have a business if you have things to sell or give away, that's your day. Now if you don't want to hear about the great things our guild members are offering just turn off notifications on the 14th and turn it on on the 16th. We'll take a re-look in 6 months to see what folks think. Our sponsors will also be able to post whatever they'd like. Hopefully some of these SADD posts will include deals for guild members to make us happy. Don't forget our FB is private. Only viewable by guild members.
4) You missed a bunch of cute tree blocks won by Debra Barnes. You'll have to check FB for next months BOM.
5) You missed a great handworking demo, tips, project shares and show and tell. Thanks to Allison, Rebecca, Kathy, Jessi and Linda. Hope I didn't forget anyone.
But you don't have to miss the eye candy of sew n tell and the President's Challenge. Here's some pics.