Sunday, October 22, 2017

October 2017 Show & Tell

Another fantastic Show'n Tell from the talented group of quilters at San Antonio Modern Quilt Guild!

October 2017

The above pictures were shown & created by Stacy.

Great Urbanology Quilt, Michele!

Beautiful quilt and quilt back, Tony. 

Jen finally quilted this melting UFO quilt.

And congratulations to Sara R (left)! Allison, (right) on behalf of the guild, presented Sara this baby quilt. Thank you, Stacy for organizing the baby quilt stitching! The meeting happened a couple days past Sara's due date, and a couple more past that, her little one was welcomed into the world. 

October 2017 Halloween Mini Swap

Our SAMQG group is member driven. If we have a member who wants to host something or coordinate something we do it. It is pretty great. This philosophy helps shape the guild to be an organization you'd like to participate in. We don't generally have any "I wish we could do X with our guild." Nah, just decide to do it and do it!

Kassandra hosted and organized the Halloween Mini Swap with projects due & swapped at the October meeting. Here's a peek at the happy swappers.